When I Don’t Understand Part 1

image credit: Clay Banks, Unsplash

Oftentimes, we may find ourselves wandering in a “place” called Stuck. We’ve done everything. Everything. We’ve read the books. We’ve bought and worn the t-shirts. We’ve listened to advice whether wise and timely or out of season and erroneous. We’ve done it! Yet…we find ourselves in a distance. In a type of silo. In a shadow. We observe life in its brilliance and vibrancy bounce off of others even the atmosphere around us, lending them its joy and momentum. “What’s malfunctioned with me?”, we wonder.

Similar to Job’s friends, those who we’ve trusted, who were invaluable, and were innumerable around us have now become stumbling blocks against us. Accusers. Callous. Distant. Jeerers. Where do we find comfort? From whom do we receive encouragement? Solace? Who’s present to aid? I have found even in these times the common phrase: “Does anyone understand?” rears its head.

In Stuck, the place, our anthem is to yet choose Him!

Unquestionably, it’s the biggest test of all time…and it’s one we must endure and take. All the questions of which we may think or to ruminate drown our brains with one common theme: I want out of this! How do you (universal) get out of it? What is it that I am not understanding? Regaling of times past that were rich with luster, gold, myrrh, abundance, joy, people, and laughter fluttered the imagination. “God, can I please have that again? I need to feel that You’re with me. I need to feel that there’s an ending. I need to feel”, you implore before the throne of God.

The Promise

Additionally, as you’ve powered through the Stuck-ness, you’ve acquired the wisdom to know the answer to being granted to what once was is a hard “No”. The purpose is to determine if we are ready to choose God regardless. Are we ready to believe His resounding promise “Lo, I am with You always”. Even in this – the Stuck-ness, an area of severe plateauing, will we still choose Him and trust Him. The accumulation of all our words, praises, confessions surround us at this place where God asks us, “Will you allow me to take you beyond this level or will you remain where you are with what you’ve already had?”

I used to have a professional personal trainer. His and his company’s motto was “Never plateau!” which was used to encourage clients. In fitness and health, the body is genetically wired to recognize patterns and position itself to adjust to those patterns. That is, unless we choose push beyond what has already been. Unless we choose to persevere and believe that even in the stuck-ness of result-less efforts, there is goal. There is a purpose.

Undoubtedly, the goal and the purpose is the promise that was given to us by Father. He’s watching. He’s there. Will we still choose Him even when it’s our own personal fiery furnace and torrential floods instead of simple words on a script we read from the prophet Isaiah? Because at Stuck is the pathway of forward and backwards. If we choose to look back, we revert to who and what we were–devoid of the filling of the beyond. Devoid of faith. If we look towards the past, we remain at and in Stuck.

Choose! When we don’t have the answers or understand the solution…choose. When at all sides the walls are caving in…choose. Don’t abandon hope. Don’t give up believing. Faith pleases Father. Faith propels and places us at the promise. The promise beyond and above Stuck. The promise that He sees and knows Stuck. He’s present to comfort.

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