Redemptive Gifts Overview

image credit: Various artists, Unsplash

God has uniquely crafted and meticulously formed each and every one of us.

Most people would be elated to know who they are; to know what makes them tick; how they function and why they function the way they do.

That’s redemptive gifts.

Although, redemptive gifts isn’t a psychological personality assessment, the study of them does serve as a motivation assessment. Consider it as these:

  • What motivates me to be the first to finish a race? To be a champion?
  • What motivates me to be nurturing?
  • What motivates me to have and provide the absolute facts?
  • What motivates me to have excellent time management skills while carrying massive workloads?

Furthermore, motivation isn’t simply about what gets our ignitions started i.e. initiation on matters. Rather, it’s about why we do what we do.

What Are They?

Redemptive gifts aren’t like the grace gifts from Holy Spirit or the gifted men and women Jesus ordained as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

If you haven’t guessed it already, redemptive gifts are from Abba. They’re His character-nature.

How marvelous!

We are gifted with the character-nature of Father, given grace gifts from Holy Spirit to harness and wield, and those called by Jesus are the gifts themselves to their assigned boundaries.

Paul, in Romans 12, cites seven grace gifts:

  1. Prophet
  2. Servant
  3. Teacher
  4. Exhorter
  5. Giver
  6. Ruler
  7. Mercy

What Do We Do with Them?

Every human being has a redemptive gift.

The purpose is dual:

  • To redeem one’s own gift, hence redemptive gifts.
  • To utilize one’s gift for redemptive purposes.

Redemptive means to buy back. It has notes and tones of restore; rejuvenate.

We are meant to use our giftedness to buy back defiled time and land, and to cleanse, restore, and serve others.

Though they are within us and they’ve been gifted to us, they are not ours. We mustn’t capitalize on them, using them to our own advantages. Moreover, we mustn’t use them to our disadvantage.

A disadvantage would be immaturity – the obstinance and inability to grow; to remain the same without transformation; to never have crucified the flesh when certain things are brought to our attention by Father’s nature through Holy Spirit.

A Little Bit Deeper

In addition to redeeming our gift and conquering obstacles, God requires with each gift He gifts that there is ROI (return on investment). We see this with the parable of the talents. Therefore, we can estimate and measure our giftedness with that wisdom (see Matthew 25:14-30).

Besides the ROI, we have purpose placed within us, the gifted, to fulfill. Wouldn’t you like to know?

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