
Activating Spiritual Sight Part 2

image credit: Sharamand, iStock photos

In Activating Spiritual Sight Part 1, we covered a high-level depth of the ins and outs of spiritual and some activating prayers and decrees.

This time around I want slow things down just a bit to ground us on the supernatural aspect of seeing in the spirit.

About Spiritual Sight

Spiritual sight must come from heaven above, with wisdom from above, and from the Father of lights. The psalmist David wrote that in God’s light we see light, and in light is life (Psalm 36:9).

If we’re going to see supernaturally, we need the light of the Spirit of God illuminating our paths with the logos of God (Jesus). Holy Spirit leads us in the pathway to the Son.

Essentially, as we see in the spirit we should being seeing life. As we proclaim and share what we see in the spirit, it should be about life. Because Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance.

We need to see supernaturally to have our eyes enlightened on the things of God, but also what is occurring on planes our natural eyes cannot detect.

The Gift of Spiritual Sight Defined

Succinctly, spiritual sight helps us to see into the spiritual realm and what occurs in the supernatural.

Seeing in the spirit is an invitation to see the Man Jesus of Nazareth high and lifted up and truly as He is. It is also seeing through Jesus’ lenses – seeing what and how He sees.

Throughout Scripture, there is evidence and truth of those who saw in the spirit. Hagar in Genesis 16 saw and conversed with an angel. Both Balaam and his donkey saw the angel before them – Balaam conversed with the angel.

Daniel, Zacharias, and Mary and Joseph (Jesus’ earthly parents) saw angels. Jesus and Paul saw the intent of men’s hearts by the spirit. These are common occurrences that we can access through activating this gift.

Access: Available

Spiritual sight is available to all believers in Christ Jesus, i.e., to see purely. It isn’t relegated only to apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teacher or leaders, seers, seer-prophets, ministers etc.

The “ordinary”, everyday Christian has access into the supernatural power of seeing in the spirit. As a child of God, we can activate this ability via Holy Spirit.

Common Issues with Activating the Gift of Spiritual Sight

But just because it’s available doesn’t mean it is easily accessible.

Many people believe that things will just randomly come to them by way of osmosis or divine providence. And hear me, God does allow some things to happen this way, but not all.

We must practice and have our senses tested to discern between good and evil, the third heaven from the second heaven, the spiritual from the natural, and heaven from hell.

Faith is both necessary and required in order to see in the spirit. Without faith, impossibilities occur, but with it nothing is impossible. As we prophesy by faith, we see in the spirit by faith. For those of you just starting off or those of you who have backed off from training your senses, faith is the glue for spiritual sight.

By faith, Abraham peered into the sky, looking up to see the blessing and prophetic promises to him from the Lord.

By faith, David peered into the future, seeing the Son of God, Son of Man hanging on the cross.

By faith, the persistent widow in Luke 18 saw her provision coming forth through the righteous judgment of the judge on her behalf.


Make the following petitions and decrees:

  1. Jesus, help my unbelief.
  2. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your fruit of faithfulness.
  3. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your gift of faith.
  4. Jesus, increase my faith.
  5. Father, help me to persevere in faithfulness as You are always faithful.
  6. Holy Spirit, grace my eyes to distinguish and discern spirits and witness supernatural events.
  7. Father, let me see Your will as it already is in heaven so I can partner with You to administer it here on earth.


  1. Journal or record what you feel or sense as you make those petitions and decrees mentioned above.
  2. In your time with God, journal or record what’s around you. Take note of the imagery – colors, tones, moods, etc.
  3. In that same time, ask the Spirit of God to reveal Jesus to You and ask Jesus where He is in relation to you presently.
  4. Ask the Father to show you angels on assignment around or near you.
  5. Ask Jesus to show you what you need to see that you haven’t seen before or are choosing not to see.
  6. Read and meditate on Hebrews 11. Pace yourself and journal or record what you experience and discover.

Keep going! You may not have 100% accuracy at first or even the 700th time, but as you train your senses to discern and covet the gifts of the Spirit, you will improve more and more.

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