The Invisible Present in Our Midst: Partnering with the Divine Angels

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Yahweh is known as The Lord Sabaoth (Lord of Heavenly Armies) who commands angel armies. Therefore, it is aptly put that as our God and Father, He ensures at His command angels are sent on our behalf.

About Angels

Angels are God’s messengers, His representatives sent to Earth as divine aids to:

  1. Defend and protect us.
  2. Ensure the salvation of the predestined.
  3. Guard and watch over us (another name for some angels is watchers).
  4. Partner with us in spiritual warfare.
  5. Execute the commands and will of the Lord on the Earth.

Partnership with Angels

Because we are placed in the palm of Abba’s hand, He tenderly cares for us and perfects all that concerns us. A portion of this benefit of being sons and daughters of God is that we not only receive assistance from divine angels, but we are able to partner with them.

Partnership means partner: associates, colleagues (Merriam-Webster). It also means to participate. Merriam-Webster says it is “a legal relation existing between two or more persons contractually associated as joint principals in a business.” And who’s business are both the sons of God and the angels about? Father’s – as Jesus stated!

These divine begins are full of amazement and can do wonderful things according to the grace and gifts given to them. Yet, we do not adulate them instead we partner with them.

Angels harken and heed the word (command) of Almighty God (Psalm 103:20) as He’s the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. However, there’s something we can do to activate and enlist angel armies to execute the decrees of the Lord God. That something is decreeing here from earth.


Many of us are familiar with the classic verse in Job that when we decree a thing it will manifest (or it shall be established). That’s an inherent birthright given to the sons and daughters of God.

Decrees cause a stirring from the spiritual realm and planes here in the natural realm to produce the commands and will of God – to extend, stretch out, expand, and spread His kingdom.

Decrees Continued

The Hebrew word pey, also the decade we’re in, happens to align with king’s decrees. That word also has the imagery of knocking out the tooth of the enemy – with our words. We understand, according to Proverbs, that our words produce life and death from the power in our tongues. We also understand, according to Hebrews, that like our Father God, our words in faith, create and generate movement.

Now, as we open our mouths to decree a thing it must contain what we’ve heard from the throne of God and from His mouth. Decreeing is all about releasing the judgments of God – not necessarily the punishment rather the judgments the psalmists speak of, which are His commands, laws, and words, will, and ways.

When we desire to enlist the angel armies on assignment, we remember they are loosed and dispensed at His command (or the sound of His voice).

The Sound of Our Voices

Yet, God moves to the sound of our voices as He’s attentive to the cries, prayers, and intercessions of His people.

He’s that kind of God – He’s so good, so personal. Again, it is an inherited benefit we have as sons of God.

Therefore, as we open our mouths to decree and release the sound to partner with angel armies, we remember that either revelation and power can come from the mouths of the sons of God (who are kings and priests) or divination and curses can come from our mouths. Decree a thing wisely (Proverbs 16:10).

Do you have some assignments that seem impossible? It’s time to make some decrees to loose the angel armies!

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