
The Now Move of God: Shifting into the New Season of Kingdom Glory

image credit: Валентин Игнаткин, iStock photos

I see a new move of God on the horizon. In fact, many prophetic voices have laid hold of a similar knowing, seeing, experience or bubbling up prophetic word.

Rage Against the Machine, a rock band, remade a song by Afrika Bambaataa, Renegades of Funk.

They proclaim:

“Since the Prehistoric ages and the days of ancient Greece
Right down through the Middle Ages
Planet Earth kept going through changes
And then no renaissance came (Came)
And times continued to change (Change)
Nothing stayed the same, but there were always renegades”

“Renegades” might have a negative connotation, but in terms of this song and where we’re headed, think of it as revolutionizers and reformers.

Those who dare to do something different from the standard, break the mold, and form a new path for others – trailblazers.

We’re in a new season of trailblazers. A new season of the new thing.

Lastly, Earth has always gone through seasons, eras, shifts, and moves.

What I See Through My Spiritual Senses

We must understand that when a prophet prophesies, they are often pronouncing the word of God by announcing what He will be doing. I placed that in a future tense because it might be “right now” for God, but in our dimension, His timing and this one’s are different.

Regarding prophecies released at the head of the year, Cindy Jacobs and others would say something along the lines that once a prophecy is released into the year, it oftentimes isn’t just for the year in which it’s been released.

This is what is meant by a prophetic announcement.

The U.S.A. is about to experience the power of Holy Spirit like in the Gospels and the constructive collaboration and interaction (synergy) between the offices and gifts in the Book of Acts.

This nation will still have a strong prophetic mantle; it’s the nation’s birthright. The spirit of prophecy will shift to another nation and other nations.

We look to and watch how Canada and Mexico are moving who make up North America.

We look to and watch South America, Central America, the Caribbean islands, and the West Indies moving.

Will the prophetic gift arise in them to be prophetic ministers and missionaries?

How is Australia moving? Will that nation shift into the spirit of prophecy? Malaysia?

America: The Land of Miracles, Home of the Bold

This nation has been known as the nation of dreams. But may it also be known as the nation of miracles.

We will see what Joel prophesied.

New spiritual leadership will arise, like Jehu and Josiah, to tear down false altars set up to other gods and wage spiritual warfare against spiritual tycoons.

Times and Seasons

God is doing something unusual on Earth. Since this is the time period symbolic of Holy Spirit, we are sure to see His ministry moving as it did during the first century Church.

I must advise us, though. With power as such, the phony and mimicry will increase. Persecution will also increase as the time of Jesus’ second return draws nearer and nearer. A time where the Spirit and the Bride will not just vocalize, “Come Bridegroom,” but they will be living it, like the virgins who were ready.

The unusual thing I have seen Him do in the spirit and have had Him affirm it in me is His weaving together times and seasons. Dutch Sheets would call this “the synergy of the ages”. The great cloud of witnesses are cheering us on.

It’s a time like Joshua and the elders of Israel. We’re an army dressed as Yahweh Sabaoth’s battle array. Cutting off the giants’ heads for they’re our bread.

We’re called to have conquest – I saw it in a vision first. I then prophesied this in September 2022 and released it on this blog site officially in December 2022.

It’s a time of the deliverers like Moses. I prophesied this in 2020 about this decade, and again in 2022 regarding 2023.

It’s a time of throwing down, uprooting, and destroying thrones of iniquity while rebuilding and establishing the principles of the kingdom of God. Many of the righteous kings in history did this. We are kings!

It’s a time of partnership with governmental leadership, e.g., prophets, seers, and worship musicians serving on boards and councils.

And it’s a time of 1 Corinthians 12:28 where the offices and gifts are aligning to complete Ephesians 2:10, 3:10.

Watching the Move and the Word of God

On January 1st, 2020, I prophesied an overview of this decade. A portion of it was that Holy Spirit’s anointing would be poured onto us.

The move of God – miracle-working power, wonders, and healings.

It’s a time not to blaspheme the workings and ministry of Holy Spirit even if it doesn’t look like it could be Him, e.g., the breakouts on college campuses earlier this year.

Be careful how we’re judging spiritual occurrences. We do not want to stifle the Spirit.

But also be careful that we’re circumspect for the days are evil, discerning of times and seasons, and are as shrewd as serpents but pure as doves.

We cannot be overrun or fall prey to bewitchment from demonic spiritual forces and their workings either. The false prophets, bewitchers, false teachers, and magicians are here among us, like the tare among the wheat.


The only way out is through. And the only way through is through the power of God.

We need the power of God.

In this present darkness, the Father of lights must rain and reign down His power as promised.

This is the now move we’re shifting into.

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