Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 2

image credit: WendellandCarolyn, iStock photos

There is something that has been grieving me about 5784 even though we just entered.

In Part 1, a word the Lord gave me regarding prophecies was that they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Another word He gave about prophecies was that we’d need to move forward with them in fervency.

As I’ve been traveling ministering recently, I’ve shared that word of the Lord, yet so many are still missing it. Matter of fact, you’ll soon see, one of the things God called out among His own people was “taking the word of the Lord lightly”.

The Bastardy of Prophecy

We’re used to being hyped up about prophecy and prophecies.

We’ve become a generation desensitized to the pure word of the Lord and our adherence to it. You know, through and through God’s word to Israel in the OT was: You did not listen to Me.

From not listening to the Lord, we’ve taken Him as common instead or preeminent.

From not listening to the Lord, we do what we want when we want – licentiousness, unbridled desires and passions.

We’ve “advanced” so much that we not only expect to hear and receive prophecies, but they now glaze over our heads – not falling on fertile soil or solid ground.

The Rest of the Prophecy: Word of the Lord 5784

Oftentimes, I don’t have to ask the Lord what He’s saying; He’ll tell me. There have been times, though, that I’ve had to seek Him for the word of the Lord.

This was one of those years.

He gave me those key eight points in Part 1 (some came from the book of Amos), and also the entire book of Amos.

Breaking Down the Book of Amos

The book of Amos is short and all nine chapters are about judgment.

Judgment of nations. Judgment of cities. This includes capital cities in Israel and Judah, as well as Israel and Judah themselves.

Therefore, God isn’t only dealing with “goat nations”, but He’s dealing with all nations. What He’s been doing since 2020 is surveying each nation to determine and see her faith and works. He’s released commendations and rebukes as He did in Revelation 2-3.

But now…He will release the word of the Lord for 5784 (2023-2024) based off of His own observations and surveying.

We like to be safe. We like to live safely. We’ve forgotten about the reward of suffering. We don’t suffer for suffering’s sake or glory in suffering. Yet, there’s such an extracted glory produced in suffering. Thank You, Yeshua, for suffering for us.

And while the remnant, God will keep (whatever it might look like), this judgment isn’t about the remnant. It’s about the nations in which the remnant lives along with the goats and tare.

You see, that’s what was happening in Amos. The rulers of nations and capital cities were overtly wicked. God surveyed all of this.

Chapter after chapter Amos listens and sees the judgment of the Lord.

The Word of the Lord Through Amos for 8 Cities & Nations Part 1

Below you’ll see what the unrepentant national or city-wide sin was for each city or nation and then you’ll see the judgment God would bring.

Note: Unrepentant sin = a. / God’s judgment = b.

  1. Damascus (capital of Syria)
    a. Oppression of Gilead.
    b. Fire in the house of Hazael, which will devour the palaces of Ben-Hadad/break the gate bar of Damascus/cutting off of inhabitants from the Valley of Aven/and cutting off of the rulers of Beth Eden/Syria will be captives of Kir.
  2. Gaza (Philistine city)
    a. Held captives captive and delivered them to the Edomites.
    b. Fire upon the wall of Gaza, devouring of its palaces/cutting off of Ashdod and the rulers of Ashkelon/hand of judgment and strength upon Ekron/destruction of the remnant of the Philistines.
  3. Tyre (Phoenician city)
    a. Delivered captives over to the Edomites and did not remember the covenant of brotherhood.
    b. Fire upon the wall of Tyre, devouring of its palaces.
  4. Edom
    a. Hunted his brothers with the sword in vengeance without mercy, holding onto anger and wrath.
    b. Fire to Teman which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.

The Word of the Lord Through Amos for 8 Cities & Nations Part 2

  1. Ammon
    a. Ravaged pregnant women in Gilead which caused them some sort of gain (enlarged territory).
    b. Kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah and it shall devour its palaces/shouts of horror in the day of battle/fighting will rage like a storm/their king and his officials will go into exile.
  2. Moab
    a. Burned the bones of the king of Edom to lime.
    b. Fire upon Moab and it shall devour the palaces of Kerioth/the people of Moab shall die in the noise of battle while soldiers are shouting, and the trumpets are sounding/cutting off of the ruler of Moab and all his leaders shall be slain.
  3. Judah
    a. Despised the teachings of God and have not kept His commands/led astray by the same false gods that their ancestors served.
    b. Fire upon Judah and the devouring of Jerusalem.
  4. Israel
    a. Sell honest people into slavery who cannot pay debt and the poor who cannot pay the price of a scandal/they trample down the weak and helpless and push away the poor/a father and son have intercourse with the same captive woman which profanes the name of the Lord/worship temples people sleep on clothing they took debt payments from the poor/in the temple they drink wine taken from those who owe them money/made the holy men become defiled and placed a gag order on the prophets.
    b. Crush you on the ground and you will groan like a cart loaded with grain/fast runners won’t be able to escape/strong men will lose their strength/soldiers will not be able to save their own lives; archers will not stand their ground/fast runners will not get away and men on horses will not escape with their lives/on that day even the bravest soldiers will drop their weapons and run.

Continuing in Amos

There seem to be cacophonic messages (prophecies) swirling around Israel.

Pay attention to that in today’s time as everyone is now prophesying. I remember reading the stories of old in books from men and women who “feared” the word of the Lord from a prophet.

Back when prophets called people back to repentance instead of everyone always prophesying about what’s next or what will be.

Here’s what the prophecies during Amos’ day really were:

  1. Out of connection with the Father
  2. Out of order
  3. Out of delusions

God speaks to His prophets (Amos 3:7) so He’s roaring and sounding the alarm. Is anyone listening? He’s speaking through His true prophets.

The disgust caused by Israel is infuriating enough that God tells them that one of their chief enemies is invited by Him to watch Him chasten Israel. What can a watchman do to save the people once he’s sounded the alarm, but they haven’t heeded, and God comes with rebukes?

As God chastises, pagan altars among His people will fall, and the safety nets the wealthy built will be destroyed.

God sent plagues and devouring of farms and fields. Cities were destroyed but the people would still not return to the Lord.

God reveals Himself as The Lord of Hosts against His people.

Chapter 4 of Amos

Nothing is working. No offering. No devotion. Nothing Israel offers God is pleasing unto Him, and to them, they thought they were worshiping Him.

Furthermore, God lays everything bare that has been hidden within Israel. He exposes. It’s not so much about secret sins as it’s about hypocrisy in which they boast about “good works” that amount to nothing because of their hypocritical lifestyles.

To test Israel to see if they would return to Him, God Himself brought famine and drought. Rain fell in some places, but in others it didn’t.

Necessities for living were scarce, but people still didn’t return to the Lord.

Chapter 5 of Amos

God invites Israel to repent as He sings a funeral song over them. Yikes – a funeral song sung by the Lord!

He beckons Israel (all peoples, in particular leaders) to return to Him:

  1. Don’t worship false gods (in Bethel, Gilgal, and Beersheba).
  2. Cease twisting justice.
  3. Cease oppressing the righteous.

There seems to be a shift from speaking to those who know Him and honor His name to those who live in Israel and do not obey Him.

Unfortunately, those who know Him suffer as well because God is judging the nation rather than individuals.

Verses 7-9 God reminds the nation who He is as Lord over all.

Verses 10-13 He calls out their iniquity as a nation again. Verse 13 is staggering – righteous, wise mouths are silenced because of oppression.

Verses 14-16 He gives Israel an out from the soon coming judgment. I believe this is also a strategy for those who know Him and honor His name to begin using these verses as prayer strategies.
Unless there is repentance, there will be destruction in cities and the countryside alike.

The coming judgment (hard times) is nothing in comparison to the day of the Lord. God says do not wish for that day or even speak prematurely about it.

Again, nothing is working – no worship, no offerings, no solemn assemblies. God requires justice in the nation and righteous living. The people of God must demonstrate this.


As we continue to read Amos, we see commonalities and a pattern of where we are today worldwide.

There is a massive BUT…three to be exact:

  1. When God shows Amos visions of judgment, Amos stands in the gap and watches for the word of favor of the Lord. God says, “I will relent!”
  2. God is giving us time to repent on behalf of (1) the nation, (2) on behalf of those who are executing spiritual wickedness in high places [I am talking about humans here], and (3) those who refuse to receive Yeshua as God the Son and change.
    • In the year of windows, thresholds, and doors, He’s giving the remnant an opportunity to truly shift things.
    • How will we respond?
  3. Chapter 9, in its closing, God gives a promise to His chosen land (not just the people): “In that day I will restore the tabernacle of David.”
    • His word (promises) do not return empty and they’re not in vanity.
    • Houses of prayer are integral in this season as they outline the Lord’s plan for every nation to worship in His house of prayer.

That’s how we overcome! So, revisiting two of the points from the eight points of prophecy in Part 1, we cannot take the word of the Lord lightly, and how we decide to respond to the Lord’s word determines the outcome of nations and capital cities.

Faithful intercession and watching the word of the Lord with Him are integral in 5784.

What I See (Insight) from These Prophecies the Lord Shared

God is raising people after His heart—sheep who genuinely hear His voice.

Amos was an incredibly unique prophet. He considered himself a field man, a sheep breeder neither a son of a prophet nor one who was mentored, taught, or went to a “School of Prophets”. Now, I’m preaching!

He was who was called out of his occupation to step on the scene and deliver the word of the Lord because He honored the Lord.

The Lord is restoring the crown, sword, and the fear of the Lord among His mouthpieces. And they will not be the mainstream prophets or even like them in the past.

These prophets will have fiery words from the Lord in their mouths to deliver the Lord’s message and prescription for the hour.

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