Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 3

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At every turn, gate, door, shift, and threshold is a name. This includes times and seasons (years).

In my recent book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on Deciphering the Supernatural and Navigating Spiritual Realms, I discuss the importance of thresholds and seven main guardians at specific thresholds, gateways, and passageways.

The Importance of Names

The reason we need to understand the name or names at these integral points is because of covenant.

One of the first covenants was predicated upon the names Melchizedek and Abram. We see Abram again with a name change (covenant) – he and his wife – Abram to Abraham and Sarah to Sarai.

Names identify who we are; what something is.

They state status. They can even act as keys for doors.

Of all the reasons names are essential is that of covenant. And it is from the covenantal place we can stand and agree upon.

Names for 5784

Names also speak of promises (prophecy).

In Part 2, I mentioned the entire book of Amos as a highlight for 5784. If you read the book, God calls Himself one specific name throughout the book: The Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

We can guarantee that this is a name we must not only call Him this year, but we must see it, know it, and stand upon it – it’s a promise. As Habakkuk states, “We stand watch to see how the Lord will move with His promises” (emphasis mine).

Additional Names are:

  1. Almighty God (Psalm 91).
  2. Great God above all gods (Psalm 18).


I firmly believe we’re going to have to stand on the names God has stated in this year ahead: Almighty God, Great God above all gods, and the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

When David was conversing with God in Psalm 18, he was in a type of secret place (shelter) as Psalm 91 states. The Psalms 91 name, Almighty God, aligns with the name Lord of Heaven’s Armies – God fights for us and wins!

Moreover, in Psalms 91, David was being oppressed by his persecutors so he began sharing the mighty imagery of the Great God above all gods who would advocate for and get David justice.

There are many gods at, hiding, and waiting on the other side of thresholds. This year, let Yahweh Sabaoth (the Lord of Heaven’s Armies) give you war strategy and welcome Him in to conquer them.

Psalm 91 is imporant for us as we remain steadfastly fixated on Him, in His pavilion. We will see the enemies thousands fall and even thousands fall, but none of it will affect those whose are hidden in Him.

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