The Redemptive Gifts: Exhorter

image credit: Tetiana Kolubai, iStock images

In the Redemptive Gifts Overview blog, we learned that one of the seven gifts cited in Romans 12 has been strategically woven into our being since the dawn of time.

We redeem our gifts. While they are spiritual gifts, they are from the Father. Therefore, we call them redemptive gifts. They are not spiritual gifts as we would consider “gifts from/of the Spirit.”

We are motivated to do and think in certain ways due to our designs. Understand design and gift, when referring to the Romans 12 gift list, are interchangeable. These are our motivational gifts.

Exhorter Design

The keyword for this is redemptive. This exhorter is far more than an encourager.

Many see the translation as “to encourage” and think that any encouragement is all the exhorter does. There is vastly more to these individuals than only one thing and even surface level.

When an exhorter exhorts, it is a clarion call to the spirit of mankind. It echoes throughout the airwaves, surpassing soul and bone and marrow to get to the highest form of personhood to muster and rally a troop.

Oftentimes, though, an exhorter’s default is relegated to encouragement only, even by their own admission.

Furthermore, the exhorter design is purposed for the masses and for the community.

Regardless of what “the masses” look like, they are meant to be a part of – as a facilitator – a substantial amount of people, making a massive return on investment and impact that transforms society.  

The redemptive exhorter reflects the nature of Father’s exhorter nature. Because it is who He is, He has graced some in the world with His nature to be as Himself.

Charles Wales Jr. (2007, pg. 28) writes, “[Exhorters have] the ability to cross every kind of barrier (social, racial, economic, religious) and relate to people wherever they are…[Their] focus is horizontal and [they are] intensely people-oriented. ‘[They’ve] never met a stranger…’

“[They] have a big vision for reaching the world. Most world-changers in world and religious history were exhorters. [They] are capable of having disagreements without [alienation]…

“[They] enjoy being around people…[extroversion], outgoing, a party looking for someplace to happen. [They are] master communicators, [which they can teach] from real life examples, [making them] very practical.”

When the redemptive exhorter exhorts, he (she) does so on a spiritual level. It is speaking to man’s spirit man rather than speaking to the soul or even the fleshly desires and woes. Exhorters are meant to command a troop to position them to go forth!

Outline of the Exhorter

  1. Exhorters are excellent communicators alongside the prophet and the giver. They may lead the list in the vein of building sincere relationships or having a “crew”, “group”, or “cult” following behind them with how engaging and sincere they can appear.
  2. They love people and being with and around people!
  3. They possess great reconciliation skills because their focus is on people and relationships.
  4. They are visionaries, “[seeing] a broader picture, the largest number, etc.” (Wale, 2007, pg. 28).
  5. They “will open [their hearts] and be vulnerable in order to open the hearts of others” (Wale, 2007, pg. 28).
  6. They are skilled at sustaining relationships.
  7. They can wear masks better than any other design, masking their true sentiments so as to make others feel at ease, appreciated, and welcomed. This isn’t beneficial for neither you nor them.
  8. They can overcommit due to people-pleasing and poor time management.
  9. They tend to come short on their word (promises), not dependable.
  10. Just because they are relationship-driven doesn’t mean they do not become offended or are never hurt by others. When this happens, there is a false reconciliation and reconnecting with people without discussing “the elephant in the room” so that they can have absolution, resolve, and peace.


It’s commonly placed on the redemptive exhorter that they are: (1) Too easy on crime and wrongdoing, (2) pomp, or (3) talkative, jabbering.

While these identifiers hold true in some instances, it isn’t the overarching theme God wants us to understand about this design.

Too easy on crime and wrongdoing– Rather than saying that exhorters are soft on sin, think about how they understand the fullness of grace. If there was ever a gift to lead first with administering the gracious and slow-to-anger nature of the Father, it is the exhorter. They were born and bred to bring people into the understanding that God’s grace is sufficient for whatever we may encounter and that we can run to His throne boldly whenever we need it, regardless of any of our human actions. Exhorters show us that He is the good, good Father who is forgiving. They are meant to tell the rest of the redemptive gifts: ease up!

Pomp, pride, entitled – Rather than estimating them as pompous, proud, and entitled, understand that they hold a level of revelation most in the church at large do not. They know what it means and what it feels like to be seated in heavenly places – more than likely, they’ve tasted and seen it (experience). Therefore, they pull together the forces of God’s people on earth to get them to a place of ascertaining our heavenly seating.

Talkative, jabbering – Rather than seeing them as chatty, understand that exhorters were meant to tell of the wonders of God, to strongly urge as a captain would an army, and to tear down walls that would hinder communication between people effortlessly. Therefore, they talk to make a connection.

The Purpose of the Exhorter

  1. Reveal Jesus in all of His glory to the masses, revealing mysteries to the world!
  2. Exude the glory of Jesus.
  3. Receive full clarity of things of the spirit, including mysteries.
  4. Like Paul, the apostle, they are meant to bring the illumination from the Spirit of God to others.
  5. Save, deliver, heal, and cause many to be adopted by the Spirit of God.
  6. Facilitate (act as a guide, a light) the glory of Jesus. Be a luminary. As Paul stated, “Imitate me as I follow Christ.” Exhorters are meant to direct people to the brilliance and light of the Brightest One, Yeshua.
  7. Speak in the heavenlies, on a heavenly level and plane, and to the spirit of man, spiritual beings etc. Exhorters are born and bred for spiritual warfare at its finest – to do war in the heavenlies.

Wade, C, R.. Jr., (2007). Designed for fulfillment: A study of redemptive gifts. Free To Be Me Ministries, Inc. pgs. 28.

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