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The Coming Wars Part 1: The Liberated Woman Part 1

image credit: Ekaterina79, iStock photos

There are many faces to “Jezebel.” In Chapter 7 of my book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms, I distinguish between the entity behind Jezebel and the women.

The Bible lists two women (human beings) with the name Jezebel.

The first is the queen of Israel; the second is a false prophetess who lived in Thyatira and plagued the city and church.

They both fall under the umbrella or org. chart of the queen of heaven. Therefore, the root of it all is the demonic structure behind it. Organizations have structure because they are structures.


Structures are the framework upon which something, someone, or an idea, thought, or emotion is built.

It’s the DNA or makeup of a unit. For example, a syndicate is a structure of evil with many distinct parts and varied persons. However, typically, a primary characteristic is displayed or as many as seven.

Demonic structures have an overseer who sits on top of them as the leader, and their persona seeps through to all under their umbrella. The liberated woman is under this umbrella.

The Queen of Heaven

The Queen of Heaven Chart

National Origin of WorshipGoddess Association(s)Specifically Known As The Queen of Heaven
ArabiansBaltis/BeltisYes, when she was viewed as Astarte
BabyloniansSemiramisIn a sense
EgyptiansBast (Bastet), Hathor, Isis, SekhmetOnly Hathor and Isis
GreeksAphrodite, Artemis, Asteria, Eos, Hera, Hecate, Nyx, SeleneOnly Hera, Hecate by some
ItaliansMadonnaIn a sense
Phoenicians (Carthage, Tunisians)TanitYes
RomansAurora, Diana, Juno, Luna, VenusOnly Juno, Diana by some
West SemiticAnathYes
Chart adapted from the book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms Rashad R. Smith Copyright 2023.

The chart excludes deities from other cultures, such as African, Spanish (including Mexican, Central American, and South American), and West Indian. Nonetheless, deities in those cultures align with the queen of heaven.

For example, the orisha (gods and goddesses), Oshun. The Yoruba people worship Oshun as a primordial water goddess known for her beauty, sensuality, prosperity, femininity, jealousy, and spite.

Cubans call her Ochún; Brazilians call her Oxum. She is the equivalent of Astarte and Ishtar (Mesopotamian goddesses), Aphrodite (Greek), and Venus (Roman).

Connecting the Dots

The Queen of heaven is mentioned by that title in the book of Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 7:18, 44:17-19, 25). We don’t know the entity’s real name, and we don’t need to.

Israel played the harlot with the queen of heaven and became enthralled by this entity’s schemes that utterly repulsed Yahweh (Israel’s God).

I needed us to understand the entity and name behind the liberated woman and Jezebel before I threw you into the deep end without proper preparation.

Before we move on, though, the queen of heaven is not a mere demon or, like any other familiar foe, we can bind or cast out.

You don’t need to pursue this entity or become enmeshed in its details.

As you understand more of its demonic structure, you divorce every aspect of it (or face of it) that has affected your life, your bloodline, and where you live.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and help you divorce this entity. He is the Advocate, Counselor, and Helper. He loves doing His portion. Allow Him to.

The Liberated Woman

I remained quiet in 2023 when the Barbie Movie came to the big screen. I had no comment to object, interject, add, chide, or berate someone on.

Typically, I watch and observe before I speak – wisdom, is what the Bible calls it. I live my name.

My Facebook timeline was flooded a little before and post those the movie’s release. I never planned to watch it for many reasons. The most obvious reason is that it boasts about the liberated woman.

So many who’d “loved pink,” “were Barbies as kids,” or “were divas” defamed the movie. For some reason, they were blinded to what Barbie truly stood and stands for.

Note: There’s nothing wrong with the color pink or liking it. Pink represents femininity, at least an aspect of it. The inversion of pink represents confused sexuality and feminism. Feminism is dangerous. The best way I can describe it is likened to an Amazonian-like world with either castrated men (literally and figuratively), effeminate men, controlled men, or no men at all. We’ve entered that era.

Also note: A world where there is solely masculinity (also known as toxic masculinity), and machismo is equally diabolically wrong. Women are not second-class citizens. Men should not mistreat women because of their predestined, non-optional gender assignment. Satan and his cohorts want and are pushing for this thinking in either gender. God the Creator, Yahweh, never intended for Adam to lord himself over Eve or any other woman for that matter. And the same goes for any man after Adam through present time.

The Liberated Woman: Divas

Diva (divas) is possibly related to the Hindu god Deva (Devi, goddess). Their entire makeup is about self-promotion, self-excellence, excellence (performance), shining one, flashy, self-exaltation, or exalted.

Satan’s issue—he wanted to be known as the exalted one.

Why would anyone want to be labeled a diva (or divo, male), especially a child of God? Furthermore, why would anyone want to associate themselves with Barbie, a known “diva”?

Under the Umbrella

Under the umbrella of the Queen of heaven, the liberated woman is most closely related to Artemis (never marrying), Aphrodite and Devi (femininity and sensuality), Atalanta (maliciously outdoing men), Athena (maliciously outwitting and overpowering men), and Nike (maliciously outperforming men).

Listen, there isn’t anything wrong with a strong, confident woman—nothing at all. There isn’t anything wrong with smart women. There isn’t anything wrong with women who know more than men. This isn’t an article from a bruised male’s ego.

There is something remarkably wrong when women harbor hatred for men and work to disempower them through prowess and skills. The same goes for men with women.These are known as agendas and the motive behind them are dark and twisted.

The liberated woman does not want or need a man because she is self-sufficient. No one is truly self-sufficient, especially believers in Christ Jesus. God is El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One who provides all of our needs, nurses, and tends to us.

Barbie has always depicted that characteristic, though. Ken has always been nothing more than a “purse” (accessory) for Barbie—not even a friend, a peer, a colleague, or an accomplice.

Are We Getting It?

Like Jezebel, the human queen woman, Barbie is uncommitted to none, especially a man. Well, God calls us to covenant. Like Athaliah, Barbie fulfills her own will and secures her own future—she is willing to murder her own seed and the seeds of others to get what she wants. Seed = men. Well, God is the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Like Devi, Barbie (the liberated woman) boasts in herself and her accomplishments. Believers in Christ Jesus boast in the Lord.

Like Atalanta and Nike, Barbie wants to outdo and outperform men on purpose for no godly reason. Believers in Christ Jesus prefer others in honor over themselves individually.

Back to Jezebel, like Jezebel, Barbie operates out of woundedness—a spirit of offense, bitterness, covert operations (usuary and deception), manipulation (witchcraft), and vengeance on unjust oppression. It comes across as “confidence” and “strength” but it really isn’t.

Yes, women, you have certainly been oppressed and no apology for my half of the human race can undo the centuries of trauma placed on women (I can think of some other underprivileged people groups who can relate). However, Yahweh is your vindicator.

Christian women, all of these aforementioned “women” are quite the opposite of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31, of Ruth, of Sarah, of Hannah, of Deborah, of Rhoda, of Lydia, of the Marys, and of Anna. Selah.

You know, sometimes in our zeal (which can be guised as defense mechanisms) we think we’re right. That’s the check Jesus gave the disciples: Be sure the light in you isn’t dark. Pause and ponder.

So, is King Jesus the Lord your God whom you worship, or is the Queen of heaven?

Women, as you’re rising to the top and reclaiming your voice, know what’s behind the motive and the spirit in the reclaiming. Satan, the Queen of heaven, Lilith, and many other demonic forces would love for you to chase after what’s good but not born of God.

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