
Understanding Times & Seasons: Spiritual Warfare in the New Era

Rashad R. Smith

November 2019, Holy Spirit gave a prophecy that would shake my life. I released it on Jan. 1st, 2020 on my podcast my very first episode.

He allowed me to prophesy 2020-2029 and gave me insights and revelations into each year. I’d never done that before.

I was never even looking for it. He sovereignly did it.

The basis of the prophecy is found in Matthew 12, and each year I have been purposed – and commissioned – to return to the origin of the prophecy and prophesy the year.

I released this on my podcast in 2020 as the first episode, and now I’d like to share pertinent content regarding understanding times and seasons.

Prophecy in Modern Times

There are many who would say that prophecy ended with the first century church, so it doesn’t exist today.

Then there are those who would say prophecy is only forth-telling: edifying, exhortative, and comforting. If we went that route we’d overlook:

  • Jesus – all the prophecies He gave that were future-oriented
  • Jesus – all the prophecies He fulfilled that, at the time, were for a future time
  • John the Baptist, all the prophecies He fulfilled (same as above)
  • The NT prophets (We don’t find too many, yet they existed. It could be the focus wasn’t on their prophecies. If there were a lesser than the minor prophets, NT would fit this category)
  • The gift of Holy Spirit, prophecy (that Greek word means to forth-tell and foretell)
  • The gift of Jesus, prophet (the office of a man or woman who forth-tells and foretells; it is the gifted nature of Jesus to redeemed mankind)
  • John the Revelator, all his prophecies and prophetic experiences

A Pause for Consideration

Nonetheless, I must admit, this: outside of Jesus’ prophecies and the Church’s coming into unity, there are few widespread prophecies in the NT as there were in the OT.

Is this an indicator for us, prophets especially, that our focus is more about the one new man instead of individual or even national prophecy?

Of course, we mustn’t forbid the voice of the Lord. We also mustn’t traverse outside of the boundary lines of God’s principles.

Yet, like Peter, there are things that the Bible states – and many overlook or its secret is so hidden that it takes revelation to unlock it – but supernatural knowledge needs to reveal and confirm it.

2020-2029 and Beyond

We’re in a new era of history.

Undeniably this is the decade of the prophet, especially the redemptive prophet. You can find more about that here: https://emergentarmyministries.co/2023/06/01/the-redemptive-gifts-prophet/

But we are in an overarching timeframe of the mercy gift. More on this to come soon.

When understanding times and seasons, it will help us well to grasp how decades, eras, hours, etc. work. We move differently and navigate through these time barriers in certain manners.

From Matthew 12, Holy Spirit showed me these prophetic principles for 2020-2029 in understanding times and seasons:

  1. Sabbath – Matthew 12:1-8 (2020)
    • Learn to enter into rest on purpose.
    • Learn to BE and BEING.
  2. Denouncing the Fear of Man – Matthew 12:9-14 (2021)
    • Going along to get along; a pack mentality.
    • Censorship.
    • Cult-like behavior; “If you don’t agree with me, you’re against me.”
      • Of course, Jesus said this, in terms of overpowering and toppling the powers of darkness. He never said this to those who were actually following Him doing the works of the kingdom of God.
  3. The Chosen Set Apart – Matthew 12:15-21[the first of the converging years of the decade] (2022-2024)
    • These are men and women who’ve been hidden in Jesus Christ.
    • These are men and women who’ve made themselves ready for a time to come.
    • These are men and women who’ve made Jesus the one thing and have abandoned the love of the world and the love of the flesh in this hour.
    • To truly sanctify one’s self.
  4. Expansion of Heaven’s Economy – Matthew 12:22-30 [the second of the converging years of the decade] (2024-2025)
    • This is a timeframe of the children of God expanding the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of heaven advancing in our midst.
      • What are the treasuries in the house of God looking like for the saints?
      • Are you increasing and improving year over year?
    • This is a timeframe of the deliverers and deliverance. In order to be a deliverer, we must first be delivered.
    • Belial steps on the scene this year.
  5. Increase of Holy Spirit Activity – Matthew 12:31-32 [the third of the converging years of the decade] (2025-2026)
    • This is a time to begin discerning Holy Spirit’s activity compared to demonic and illusionary activities that are dark.
    • This is a time to see and witness Holy Spirit in action in the body of Christ Jesus.
  6. Righteous Discernment – Matthew 12:33-37 (2026)
    • We’re now full-on into needing to be able to see with the eyes of the spirit with the Spirit of God.
    • If there is ever a time to ask for wisdom and discernment and the distinguishing of spirits, it is now.
    • We must test the spirits during this time as there may be an increase of the magicians, Chaldeans, and sages of the world and of demonic entities emerge and dominate the supernatural.
    • Belial dominates the scene this year.
  7. Judgment against the Wicked and Unbelieving – Matthew 12:38-42 (2027)
    • You may be asked to prove that you belong to Jesus by performing miracle-working power outside of Holy Spirit.
    • You may be asked to prove that you belong to Jesus by performing miracle-working power to test to see if you operate from your soul or from the human spirit that is connected to Holy Spirit.
    • This is a timeframe to operate from spirit-power, to be full of Holy Spirit. That’s why the deacons, such as Stephen, were so powerful and successful. They denied the flesh and resolved their soul to the spirit man.
      • Edify and provoke your human spirit this hour.
      • Live in the spirit.
    • We can anticipate to see God’s rebuke against worldiness.
  8. Increase of Demonic Activity – Matthew 12:43-45 (2028)
    • The rise of a soulless generation, a generation without fortitude and soundness of mind.
    • Where will deliverance ministry stand? Where will the deliverers be?
    • Will we allow our mouths to be silenced for fear of man and of persecution?
  9. The Formation of the Whole – Matthew 12:46-50 (2029)
    • Could this be when the Bride forms?
    • Could this be when we truly live in and witness the one new man?
    • Could this be the end of striving and strife among brothers and sisters in the house of God?

Years of Convergence

To understand what “convergent years” mean, refer to these posts I wrote in 2022:

  1. https://emergentarmyministries.co/2022/08/15/insights-prophecies-and-revelations-for-5783-2022-2023-part-1/
  2. https://emergentarmyministries.co/2022/10/23/insights-prophecies-and-revelations-for-5783-2022-2023-part-3/

Watchouts for This Decade

Because we’re in a decade of the redemptive prophet, there are some things we can expect and some things we need to be on the lookout for.

Expect = good

Lookout for = exercise caution; pull down lofty thoughts waged against Jesus Christ


  • This is a decade of intercession.
  • This is a decade of the brazen altar.
  • This is a decade of the blood of Jesus.
  • This is a decade to:
    • Be a revealer of Jesus Christ
    • Be a revealer of what God is truly saying
    • Be a champion of justice
    • Be a reconciler and a restorer
    • Be a forerunner

Lookout For

  • Pride and arrogance
  • Lacking love and forgetting covenant
  • Saying what you want to say
  • Being easily roused; ready to fight (pettiness) [it may appear in “needing to be right” or “prove yourself right”]
  • Saying what comes to your mind without filtering through Holy Spirit

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