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Python at the Threshold: Dealing with the Prince of Magic

The Church at-large (worldwide) is at a massive threshold. We’re meant to cross over into a new manner of identity, and shift in history.

In the year and season of the gate, gateway, door, doorway, and threshold, we’re meant to step over and step into what we’ve never been.

In the spiritual realm, threshold guardians are spirits that watch over transitions.

Those transitions can be spaces such as frontiers, borders, boundaries, gateways, and doorways (the delineation between “inside” and “outside”). Or they can be states such as freezing point or boiling point where matter changes its form. Or they can be times such as sunrise or sunset, the starting or [end] of a year, a change of season – or even, on the individual timeline of our lives, the start of a new job or project.

Anne Hamilton, 2019 (emphasis mine)

About Python

Python, the spiritual being, is a sentry–one who stands guard at a gate or gateway or a threshold.

Akin to a python in the natural, its tactic is to hunt, strike, and constrict (HSC).

In addition, a python strikes, to grab its prey rapidly with its mouth, binding the prey with its backwards teeth to keep the prey locked in, and then it coils around the prey.

Constricting. The constriction causes suffocation.

Its purpose is to cause us not to walk over the threshold into the beyond. Even so, it squeezes the fight and the life out of us, and the glimmer in our eyes.

Tossing us back from the high, heavenly places(s) we ascended, down to reality–a grim reality where we are defeated and overcome with guilt.

You can knock all you like, but Python will only let you through the door into your calling if you offer a sacrifice.

Anne Hamilton

Dealing with Python

Python’s ultimate goal is to get you to make a sacrifice, thereby coming into covenant with it. It uses a combination of tactics: constriction, ambiguity and silence, temptation to divination, intimidation, seduction, and illness. If you’ve fallen for one of these tactics, the first thing is to go to God and say “sorry.” The second thing to do is to ask Him what it is in you that enabled Python to succeed.

https://www.redthreadpoets.com/1-love-overcomes-python/  via Anne Hamilton [emphasis mine].

In my book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms, I discuss Python as one of the primary threshold guardians.

As a threshold guardian, Python’s job is to, well, guard the threshold. Python relishes in lofty gates, gateways, doors, doorways, and thresholds to rule where it has legal right.

For the Church at-large, this means we’ve come to a point in history where we must cross over the threshold (doorsill) into our next phase.

In 2024, we, all human beings, have shifted into a new phase of life as far as history is concerned. You can find more about this from these articles:

Many Christians feel not only worn out but also disheartened. Others experience feelings of abandonment and solitude. Yet, some deal with the sting of guilt and shame.

In these moments, as God creates an aperture in the heavens and spiritual realms for us to cross over, we must lay down our burdens at Python’s feet

It’s easy for me to say: Keep going!

Yes, please keep going. Nonetheless, there is more for us to tap into as believers that we’re overlooking. I firmly believe one of those things is the comforting aspect of prophecy.

Dream 1

Several weeks ago, I dreamed Python was watching me from a bedroom window. I was in the backyard doing spiritual war against other entities.

Male and female lions aided me against the other entities. Yet, there was a mighty, distinguished lion that roared and fought fiercely–Jesus.

Realizing it was time to leave the battle, I swiftly entered the house from the outside through a sliding door leading to the living room. Then, I went to the bedroom where Python was, and as soon as it saw me, it turned back and immediately chased me.

Meanwhile, my spirit ran ahead of me through several rooms to the last room in the house. However, my soul and body stopped in the living room and quickly curled up on a bed. At that moment, Python began to encircle me.

Dream 2

Recently, I experienced yet another disconcerting dream involving a python. On this occasion, it insistently made its way into the room I shared with several others, where we all slept on bunk beds.

Persistently, the snake approached my bed. Four times, I managed to slay the serpent with a machete. However, on the fifth visit, my roommates intervened, removing the python and relocating it to a different bunk bed.

In a peculiar twist, within the dream, I awoke with the awareness that I had dreamt of a snake invading my bed—a dream within a dream—and I was left pondering its whereabouts, certain that I hadn’t killed it.

Upon inquiring with my roommates, they collectively assured me, “We removed the snake from your vicinity to prevent disturbing your sleep and placed it securely elsewhere. Look,” they gestured towards the alternate bunk bed, revealing its new resting place.

I took the snake and cut it in half. Its head to about an inch of its body wiggled off and dug into the dirt. I firmly stated: YOU CANNOT PLAY WITH THIS SNAKE. YOU MUST SLAY IT.

Python and the Prophetic 1

Aside from desiring an offer be made to him, Python convolutes prophecy and the prophetic.

If you’re wondering where Python is in the Bible, you’ll find him in magic, sorcery, choices, the “ifs” (conditions), the Garden of Eden, and in Acts 16 in most translations.

One offering we make to Python is divining instead of prophesying. When we prophesy, we speak by Holy Spirit. When we divine, we speak from human will and anointing. The latter is magic.

Divining is what fortune-tellers, financial forecasters, and weather forecasters do. There is ambiguity and uncertainty in divination because demons do not know the future.

Prophecy is a gift from God that testifies of Jesus Christ and His revelation to mankind, His brothers and sisters and the world. It is also edification the Church to know the heart, mind, and will of God.

While we know and prophesy in part, prophecy is the voice of the Shepherd, and the sheep must know the Shepherd’s voice.

The girl in Acts 16 was performing magic for her owners through fortune-telling, which brought them a fortune.

The whole point is to turn a gift for a profit, i.e., self-profit. Holy Spirit’s gifts are for the profit of others (body of Christ and unto the world He loves) not one’s self.

In this manner, Python now joins with Mammon where it is all about fame, fortune, and the love of and lust for money.

Prophecy and the Prophetic 2

Secondly, we inadvertently present Python with our gift and succumb to its convolution when we immerse ourselves in the trivialities of life, particularly through empty rhetoric. This is referred to as “curious arts” in the New Testament, or better known as being concerned in the affairs of others instead one’s own business.

Classic case of control (religion). Controlling the narrative. Being about business that isn’t fruitful to the kingdom of God or akin to the Father. Being dissimilar to Jesus who was about His Father’s business.

Israeli women during the prophetic times of Ezekiel moved in magic with amulets and jewelry to portend (falsely prophesy) to Israel. No man or woman stopped them.

Magic (divination) conceals the truth instead of revealing it. Prophecy reveals the truth!

Moreover, when we overlook the essential aspects of life, it’s akin to dabbling in magic. The pivotal question is: what truly matters? It encompasses all that the Lord has summoned us to undertake and comprehend. Presently, my focus is directed towards Matthew 5.

Furthermore, Jesus cautioned the Pharisees about their perilous path, for they sowed and tithed driven by personal desires and will, rather than offering what was superior and mirrored the Father’s intentions.

For them, the paramount virtues were justice, mercy, and faith. Your own contributions will be distinctively yours. Nevertheless, as we navigate this year’s transition, it is imperative that THE CHURCH COLLECTIVELY DISCERNS THE LORD’S EXPECTATIONS OF US, WHICH VARIES FROM NATION TO NATION.

Python wants us to trade prophecy for divination (magic) so we can live in ambiguity and mixture along with it and the demonic world.


I proclaim this to be the year when we no longer conceal our faces in shame; instead, we will shine with radiant brilliance, just like the sun and the Son.

Standing at the threshold, we must assertively declare to Python: “I DO NOT CONSENT!”I DO NOT GIVE YOU CONSENT.

When the spiritual realm opens up to us, whether through visions or dreams of the night or even as we walk through our day-to-day lives, we firmly say to Python, “The Lord rebukes you…”

…For it is written that prophecy comes by the unction of Holy Spirit, not by the will of man.

Let your human spirit soar and command every part of your 2/3 remaining being to follow your spirit.

Comfortingly, you got this!

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