Lilith at the Threshold: Deliverance from the Vampiric, Covenant-Breaking Seductress Part 1

An evil spirit we’d do well to know how to deal with now and throughout this remainder of the decade.
Off the bat, there are many who believe Lilith was the very first wife who refused to submit to Adam. My current beliefs on that take are inconclusive.
My goal is to share with you both Biblical and Spirit-to-spirit evidence of this entity, who is a threshold guardian, and how it is assailing us in this hour.
Note: Spirit-to-spirit means Holy Spirit speaking to me and you – revelation and revelation-knowledge.
The History of Lilith
While some myths, mythology, and folklore actually happened and were deemed illogical due to realism, there is, in fact, error in existence presented and posing as truth(s) with the aforementioned veins.
When it comes to this entity, there’s no difference. You’ll find a smorgasbord of content about Lilith, yet it’ll feel like you’re not really getting anywhere with what you’ve found.
That’s unhelpful except to cause a flooding and filling of the human mind with ideals and excitement. This is called the doctrine of demons.
Unfortunately, much of it is myths from men.
Therefore, for this entity, we must tap into Holy Spirit to learn from Him and know how to proceed.
Lilith: The Threshold Guardian
Jezebel! Jezebel! Jezebel and more…Jezebel! I am exhausted with the infatuation of and ignorance within the Church consolidating everything to Jezebel.
I write in my book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms that at times we think we’re dealing with “Jezebel” and we’re not. Jezebel was a Baal worshiper, dedicated to the false god.
The human queen Jezebel displayed his characteristics. She also displayed only ONE face of the queen of heaven – the queen of heaven has many faces and aspects. She isn’t named “queen” for nothing.
And now I write again, at times we think we’re dealing with “Jezebel” (who is dead and has been dead for centuries – yep – dead, dead), we’re dealing with other entities, for example Lilith. Jezebel was a human who was killed by Jehu (another human). Lilith is a spirit; Jesus will deal with her.
Lilith loves it when we misidentify her operations. It allows her to go on unnoticed.
She sits at the threshold between night, time, desire, free will, destiny, and covenant – the glue the binds us to Abba.
Hiddenness and Hidden Clues
I have found that when topics are shrouded in darkness and contain senselessness, there is a level of deciphering and decoding required to ascertain the pith.
Lilith desires to remain obscure. There’s one clue.
This entity also relishes in both sending people on “wild goose chases” (or “chasing the wind’) and when people magnify her authority and power above its true capacity. Two additional clues.
Wild goose chasing and magnifying her scope and domain is when there’s feeding into the statement of her being the first wife of Adam.
Where you see abusive and dismissive behavior:
- Toward men, especially men in authority, confident men, prophets, and prophetic men you see Lilith
- Toward women, especially relegating women to wives, homemakers, and objects, you see Lilith
- Toward children, especially to either rob them of their destinies or to confuse them, you see Lilith
- And when there’s a muddying in identity, you see Lilith
Four more clues.
Additionals & Miscellaneous
An additional clue I’ll provide in this article is blurred lines of definitives, especially concerning genders, marriage, relationships, the chronological growth process in humans from infants to adulthood, male-female relationships, sex and how we view it.
When a man states, “Men don’t cry,” you’re seeing Lilith. When a woman states, “I can be like a man,” you’re seeing Lilith. Eventually, extremes form, and there is a crossing or mixing of gender norms on either end that are iniquitous. Some boundaries are never meant to be explored and definitely not lived in.
Yet, there stands Lilith now, as she did in Genesis 6 along with many others, to support the inappropriate and unordained blending of sacred and secular, of grace and free-will and utter destestation.
Lilith tempts, “How far can the lines between man and woman really stretch before they meet? And do you know how close they are together until they’re one in the same?” Do you get it?
As a matter of fact, that temptation isn’t limited to the blurred lines of gender, but it extends and is applicable to this entity’s shtick: “How far can I get you (them) to the edge just before transgression?”
The purest definition of temptation. That, in itself, is transgression.
One final clue where we see traces of the spirit of error, we find the fingerprints of Lilith.
The Spirit of Error: Causes
The spirit of error sounds a lot like, “Did God say…?”
However, it is multifaceted. Here are some causes of the spirit of error:
- Fleshliness and worldliness
- Not asking for Holy Spirit’s gift of distinguishing of spirits and praying according to Proverbs 2:3-4
- Entertaining and not correcting false prophets including Baal worshippers (like Jezebel, the one cited in Revelation 2)
- False teachers and false teaching / entertaining them and not correcting them
- Shaky, unstable grounds and shaky, unstable faith
- Willingness to hear and adhere to what pleases the heart, placing it above all else (self-gratification)
- Subtly presenting another Gospel and unsound doctrine(s), especially ones that deny Yeshua as God the Son, the Son of God, and His humanity
- Pulling on the non-negotiable principles and laws of the universe to manifest things (make things happen) / manipulating chances and probabilities [fate and luck] (illegally pulling things in one’s own favor for personal gain)
- This is now making an agreement with the false gods Gad and Meni
- Denial, that is denying the truth right before our very eyes, including truth we read and see in Scripture
- Hating truth / unwilling to be corrected or disciplined
Yes, there is a progression. Did you see it? It starts with preferring self over God and ends in hatred, that which is anti-God.
The Spirit of Error: Symptoms
Below are some symptoms of the spirit of error – how to identify if you’re in that playground:
- Indiscretion / lacking discernment / ignornace / foolishness
- Being given over to strong delusions
- Delusions of grandeur
- Knowledge of spiritual matters without relationship with the Spirit of God / falsehoods / farse / unapproved claims
- Eventual questioning of the goodness of God which is His very nature
- Decreased connection and rapport with God and His people / finding only fault in God and His people
- Falling away from the faith / apostasy
What Empowers Lilith
When we fail to see beyond in the Bible and when we fail to interpret Scripture through the lens of the supernatural we empower Lilith.
Say it with me: Yahweh is a Spirit and they that worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth.
Lilith deals in mystery and secrecy. Occultic in nature, she blankets herself in the night and covers herself in darkness.
Another way we empower Lilith is by putting a spotlight on a demonic entity as if it’s greater than what it truly is. More on this in future parts of this same topic.
Failure to realize crossovers, crossing points, pivotal moments in time, and thresholds disempowers us. So, at those moments, we attempt to crossover either with transgression smeared all over us……………or worse, we attempt to cross over in a half-hearted manner.
One last way, I’ll share for now, we empower Lilith is by overlooking the details.
There’s a slogan Satan’s been given that is, at times, a misnomer: The Devil’s into details.
However, (1) moving too quickly from one thing to the next without resolve or establishment or reproduction, (2) walking in imprudence and ignorance, and (3) failure to be sensitive to spiritual matters alert her – not being into details (paying attention).
These have their bearings in lacking detail-orientation.
The book of Proverbs sends a clarion call to its hearers and readers a simple message: listen (heed) and pay attention (be wise, be knowledgeable and well-learned, discern, and have prudence).
Why Does Lilith Come?
Lilith has the legal right to stop us from attaining our next level. She does this by noticing when it is time to cross over to the next and attempts to halt us. Consider how the Philistines blocked Isaac’s inheritance.
As we’re crossing over into a new time, a new level, a new season of a new us, Lilith watches. And she enjoys watching those ascend past her “grand celestial territory” to cross over, knowing full well they’ll be denied. Her smelling abilities as sharp as Great White sharks, Bloodhounds, and vultures, she smells self-importance, self-exaltation, and self-interest in us. She delivers blow after blow to us.
Furthermore, what invites Lilith is God’s children slumbering…literally more than figuratively. Lilith is a night spirit being. And what tragedy and travesty it was to see the dismembering of IHOP-KC that is known for night watches and night and day song and intercession keeping this and many other spirits at bay.
Another aspect that sends an invitation to her is when we lower the moral standard (integrity) in our lives and in society. But worse…
- We cover it up with either not confessing our sins and shortcomings,
- False grace (which cheapens grace and God’s goodness and gracious nature) or
- We choose to move covertly and deceptively where truth is bent, that is undesiring to tell the whole truth.
False grace says, “Jesus paid it all. I can move on because there is now therefore no condemnation.” Yes and no. There’s the blurring of the truth. Regret over sin is different than condemnation. Jesus paid it all so we would never be condemned. But He also paid it all so we would obey Him as He obeyed His Father.
When She Comes…Here’s What She Does
Her mission statement is to disempower (weaken; impotence) the saints of God at the threshold so that there is no contriteness of spirit and sincerity of heart we can offer God.
Her vision statement is to dispossess the saints of God, so that she can occupy what is rightfully ours and we never take rightful ground. Anne Hamilton calls this her “the spirit of dispossession”.
The connection between dispossession and thresholds is jarring. Dispossession is about taking away inheritance and ownership. Israel’s inheritance was to possess their promised land.
However, at pivotal moments their enemies would come to take over their inheritance and land. Both are linked with “moments in time” or opportunities. Opportunities, in this regard, mean crossing over into the new, next level.
In these manners, Lilith comes because somewhere along the line we broke covenant with our Creator who is our Father, Master, and Lord.
Nevertheless, as with every threshold guardian, where have we transgressed that has empowered the guardian to assail us?
Deliverance from this Entity Part 1
How can you know if you, others, or time and land are “under attack” from this spirit being?
Know the time and season. And know your opponent(s).
Here are some signs of Lilith’s present attacks:
- Physical ailments and decay that stem from immoral choices
- Nighttime attacks, chiefly choking and trouble breathing (your breath and lifeforce is trying to be sucked away)
- Barrenness (not primarily or necessarily linked to childbearing)
- A lust for life (the world)
- Poverty and ruin (it’s joint not singular) – a better way to say it would be poverty with ruin
- Devouring also known as desolation
- Not seasonal but this devouring seems continual. Seasonal deals in cycles and cycles are circular
- A constant in time is straight and linear, for example chronology such as a year or years
- Another way to put it would be chronic, i.e., chronic allergies or chronic sinuses as opposed to seasonal allergies and seasonal sinuses
Part 1 Cont’d
- Unexplained hormonal imbalances…and often seemingly as if you cannot get a handle on the hormones even with medical professional assistance
- Growth issues in adults and children
- HGH complications in teens mainly but adults as well
- Inexplicable weight gain or loss
- Male hormonal issues
- Female hormonal issues
- Under and overworked thyroids and pineal glands
- Inability to “get justice” / be on the “up and up” / going through a cycle of despair / consumption of income, increase, and blessing as soon as you receive it
- A loss of favor with mankind because closeness with God has been severed
- Getting almost to the finish line or you’re about to cross over, but something stands in the way
- Having the authority and glory of God robbed from you
- Not in the sense of someone wanting to harness it selfishly, instead to withhold it from you so you don’t have increase or the benefit
Connections to Time
Still…What happened? Why has this happened to us?
In some inexplicable way, Lilith has connections with time, including its strategic manner. When our lives encounter defiled or trauma-bound times, this spirit enters.
Where we have not properly processed certain things in the appropriate times – let’s say something like shame because of sin and iniquity – in comes this spirit.
Deliverance from this Entity Part 2
The grand slam. We overcome this entity by processing what we have done to bring shame to the name of Jesus.
You might be thinking there is an arduous process to this. Lilith would love you to press into that school of thought.
It’s simply, “Jesus, I am so sorry. I acknowledge that I broke covenant, and I broke Your heart. There has been infidelity on my end, but You have been faithful. You deserve much better from me. Will You forgive me? I would like to renew my vowels to You. I see where my actions have caused a wedge in our union. I pledge my allegiance to You and You alone my Love, my Savior-King.”
It is not a vapid apology. You do not give a statement amiss to appease Jesus, where there is no repentance, only attempts to finesse.
Instead, it is a thorough examination of one’s heart, especially the very thing Jesus is highlighting to you at the moment – the thing His finger is on.
That terrible thing that has sent you down a rabbit hole where you didn’t include Jesus. When you’ve been there, you know what I am referring to. It diluted your light and then caused it to grow dim.
Deliverance from This Entity Part 3
You have paid a great cost for this thing, and when you witness its effects, you recognize its shameful nature. Being shameful means acting in a way that is uncomely and unbecoming, particularly for a high priest, a child of God, or royalty—individuals who have been bought at a high price and summoned to a lofty calling.
Shame = Blameworthy; disgraceful; dishonorable.
And yes, the blood of Jesus satisfies the wrath of God against the shame we do and bring. Nonetheless, Jesus never oversteps our free will. Alas, we are imperfect while in earth and still in need of repentance.
Lilith entices us to live in the free will, on the edge…away from the blessing (benefits and protection) of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.