Understanding Times & Seasons: Spiritual Warfare in the New Era

Understanding Times & Seasons: Spiritual Warfare in the New Era

November 2019, Holy Spirit gave a prophecy that would shake my life. I released it on Jan. 1st, 2020 on my podcast my very first episode. He allowed me to prophesy 2020-2029 and gave me insights and revelations into each year. I’d never done that before. I was never even looking for it. He sovereignly…

The Coming Wars Part 1: The Liberated Woman Part 1
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The Coming Wars Part 1: The Liberated Woman Part 1

There are many faces to “Jezebel.” In Chapter 7 of my book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms, I distinguish between the entity behind Jezebel and the women. The Bible lists two women (human beings) with the name Jezebel. The first is the queen of…

Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 2
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Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed two particular giants who were threshold guardians. While their flesh was conquered, the spirit within them, especially “the spirit at Nob,” remains. You can read Part 1 here: https://emergentarmyministries.co/2023/07/03/spiritual-realms-the-supernatural-giants-and-thresholds-part-1/. Understanding and Deciphering the Context Part 1 Nob, the Location Nob is a Biblical location that serves as a container of…

An Inside Look on Deliverance: The Importance of Being Made Whole Part 1

An Inside Look on Deliverance: The Importance of Being Made Whole Part 1

For years I’ve observed deliverance and the deliverance scene from a distance. Neither forbidding it nor improperly judging it, I’ve waited to allow the Holy Spirit to bring the revelation light I needed to grasp this gift from God brought to us by Jesus Christ. I, myself, have had many deliverance sessions, both solo and…

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 4

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 4

If you’ve been keeping up with the posts, you’ll remember that we’re focused in on the book of Amos for 5784 (2023-2024). Receive the word of the Lord for 5784. We’re dealing with houses and gates. Thus far, all the parts into the whole of the prophecy for 5784 are building up to the point….

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 3

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 3

At every turn, gate, door, shift, and threshold is a name. This includes times and seasons (years). In my recent book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on Deciphering the Supernatural and Navigating Spiritual Realms, I discuss the importance of thresholds and seven main guardians at specific thresholds, gateways, and passageways. The Importance of Names…

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 2

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 2

There is something that has been grieving me about 5784 even though we just entered. In Part 1, a word the Lord gave me regarding prophecies was that they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Another word He gave about prophecies was that we’d need to move forward with them in fervency. As I’ve been traveling ministering…

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 1

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 1

We’re in a supernatural, mystical time. Rashad R. Smith This upcoming year is known as the year of the door or in Hebrew da’let. Dalet (Da’let) Dalet is the fourth Hebrew word signifying door, and also authority, dominion, and rulership. It truly is a time for us to conquer. The interesting element about conquering is…