The Coming Wars Part 2: The Glory War
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The Coming Wars Part 2: The Glory War

Oftentimes, we hear people mention “the glory realm” and “realms of glory”. Do we really know that that means? Some things in the Spirit cannot be grasped by faith alone. There are also some things in the Spirit that cannot be released through an anointing. That’s why we must learn how to bring forth the…

Python at the Threshold: Dealing with the Prince of Magic
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Python at the Threshold: Dealing with the Prince of Magic

The Church at-large (worldwide) is at a massive threshold. We’re meant to cross over into a new manner of identity, and shift in history. In the year and season of the gate, gateway, door, doorway, and threshold, we’re meant to step over and step into what we’ve never been. In the spiritual realm, threshold guardians…

The Seven Spirits of God

The Seven Spirits of God

I do not agree that the seven spirits of God are characteristics and extensions of Holy Spirit as most others do. Quite frankly, I am not sure how this idealism is sustained. These seven spirits are often associated with the menorah, a seven-branched lampstand in ancient Jewish tradition, and according to John’s “second gospel” (Revelation of…

Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 2
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Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed two particular giants who were threshold guardians. While their flesh was conquered, the spirit within them, especially “the spirit at Nob,” remains. You can read Part 1 here: Understanding and Deciphering the Context Part 1 Nob, the Location Nob is a Biblical location that serves as a container of…

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 1

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 1

We’re in a supernatural, mystical time. Rashad R. Smith This upcoming year is known as the year of the door or in Hebrew da’let. Dalet (Da’let) Dalet is the fourth Hebrew word signifying door, and also authority, dominion, and rulership. It truly is a time for us to conquer. The interesting element about conquering is…

Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 1
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Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 1

In my recent book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms, I discuss thresholds and connect guardians with them. I purposefully left things out of my book to condense at much as possible as it’s already lengthy, but also to provide highlights of additional mentions –…

The Now Move of God: Shifting into the New Season of Kingdom Glory

The Now Move of God: Shifting into the New Season of Kingdom Glory

I see a new move of God on the horizon. In fact, many prophetic voices have laid hold of a similar knowing, seeing, experience or bubbling up prophetic word. Rage Against the Machine, a rock band, remade a song by Afrika Bambaataa, Renegades of Funk. They proclaim: “Since the Prehistoric ages and the days of…

The Invisible Present in Our Midst: Partnering with the Divine Angels

The Invisible Present in Our Midst: Partnering with the Divine Angels

Yahweh is known as The Lord Sabaoth (Lord of Heavenly Armies) who commands angel armies. Therefore, it is aptly put that as our God and Father, He ensures at His command angels are sent on our behalf. About Angels Angels are God’s messengers, His representatives sent to Earth as divine aids to: Partnership with Angels…