Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 3

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 3

At every turn, gate, door, shift, and threshold is a name. This includes times and seasons (years). In my recent book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on Deciphering the Supernatural and Navigating Spiritual Realms, I discuss the importance of thresholds and seven main guardians at specific thresholds, gateways, and passageways. The Importance of Names…

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 2

Insights, Prophecies, & Revelations for the Year 5784 (2023-2024) Part 2

There is something that has been grieving me about 5784 even though we just entered. In Part 1, a word the Lord gave me regarding prophecies was that they shouldn’t be taken lightly. Another word He gave about prophecies was that we’d need to move forward with them in fervency. As I’ve been traveling ministering…