Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 1
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Spiritual Realms & the Supernatural: Thresholds and Threshold Guardians Part 1

In my recent book The Seer’s Objective: A Training Manual on How to Decipher the Supernatural and Navigate Spiritual Realms, I discuss thresholds and connect guardians with them. I purposefully left things out of my book to condense at much as possible as it’s already lengthy, but also to provide highlights of additional mentions –…

The Now Move of God: Shifting into the New Season of Kingdom Glory

The Now Move of God: Shifting into the New Season of Kingdom Glory

I see a new move of God on the horizon. In fact, many prophetic voices have laid hold of a similar knowing, seeing, experience or bubbling up prophetic word. Rage Against the Machine, a rock band, remade a song by Afrika Bambaataa, Renegades of Funk. They proclaim: “Since the Prehistoric ages and the days of…